Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Socially Positive

If  you have social anxiety I found a website that might help :)

It is -

From the main page you can look at the blog or various articles, here are some that caught my eye: Healing self doubts and social anxiety in my new job
The need to please
Self worth affirmations
Feel sexy and confident
Secret of inner happiness

That should start you off!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Blog Action Day and Why You Shouldn't Use Water Bottles!

So it's Blog Action Day and I should be writing a post about water, but Blogger is annoying me quite a lot! So don't use water bottles, kids. A third of the water is just from the tap anyway. And did you know that people in the US drink an average of 200 bottles of water per person each year, meaning over 17 million barrels of oil are needed to manufacture those water bottles, 86 percent of which will never be recycled. Check out this post.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Blog Action Day 2010

I can't quite work out how to put this on the side so I'm going to put it here:

Blog Action Day gets bloggers to write about the same issue on one day every year. This year it's on the 14th October and they are supporting the UN's work to provide clean, safe water for everyone . I will write a post on it on the 14th :)

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Happiness Project Toolbox

This is pretty cool, I haven't properly looked around yet but Gretchen Ruben from The Happiness Project also has the Happiness Project Toolbox which helps you start your own. I'm going to start now :)

You are really dumb, for real

I know this is old but it still makes me laugh and it's super catchy too...

Jims Pancakes

 Who lives on a griddle under the sea? Spongebob Pancake!

 Just something interesting, what shape pancake shall we make next?!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Cheer Up and Love Yourself :)

Gala Darling's 100 Ways You Can Start Loving Yourself Right Now is worth a read. It's nothing all that radical but it has some good suggestions... A few highlights include know that you are good enough ALL THE TIME, change your alarm clock to something that makes you smile, and erm take a bubblebath wearing a tiara.

And for bonus points read her article 100 Things to Do When You're Upset (The Sad Trombone List).

And my personal suggestion to brighten up your day is to lock yourself in a room and dance to the following song:

Monday, 4 October 2010

Eat and be Merry

If you google 'foods that make you happy' you get plenty of results, here are some sites that are informative:

One - 10 foods that make you happy
Two - Yes its men's health but it's still true!

Happy Eatin' :)

Because I'm having problems commenting,
the second link in particular, number 8 :)
And Zoe might like 14.