Hi...... woah long time no post! I've been... busy? doing... important? things?
While being a busy, important person, I noticed that I have what might be eczema on my legs. This sucks. In addition to being a busy, important person, I am also a very stingy person. So I decided that it would be a FANTASTIC idea to make my own moisturiser for my self diagnosed condition. I also really just need a moisturiser because I haven't bought any in a long time.

I read that grapeseed oil is good for all skin types and is easily absorbed into the skin, which would be great as for a while I was using pure jojoba oil as a moisturiser and was greasy as fuck. Grapeseed oil was also the cheapest option at $8 for a big bottle. Then I looked up essential oils for eczema and chose a couple of the cheapest: sandalwood ($12) and rosemary ($6). I realise for all this money I could have gone out and bought a really good moisturiser, but this will last longer okay? Theeen when I got home I realised I didn't buy distilled water. Bah. So I just boiled purified water, WHICH I KNOW isn't the same, but whatever. It's an experiment. If this is a total disaster, I can use the oil for cooking and the essential oils for baths. So, I mixed a cup of oil with some (I don't know how much I should have used, I put quite a bit in) not distilled water, and 7 drops each of sandalwood and rosemary. Of course oil and water don't mix so I don't really see the point, maybe next time I won't bother. But anyhow, this is the final product, in a very unsuitable container:

I put it on straight away, and my skin feels amazing. A little greasy. And I PROBABLY smell like a hippy. I might have put too much on to go out in public. But yay! It wasn't a complete trainwreck. And next time I'll make some adjustments :) There you go, kiddies. Moisturise away.
P.S. I hate Blogger. Maybe this is why I never post, ever think about that, Blogger?