Thursday, 21 July 2011

Nap Time

I took a nap today. If you didn't know, sleep is good. This article even has research to back me up!

However, I did not look this cute.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

(Do you like the shoddy graphic I made?)

A sweet comedy starring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton and Patrick Wilson.
I watched it with my sister, we chuckled, we held our breath and at some points, were, like, nooooo! at the TV.
I'm not going to tell you much about it because I didn't know much when I saw it and the surprising twists and actions of the characters are all part of the fun!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Homemade Moisturiser

Hi...... woah long time no post! I've been... busy? doing... important? things?

While being a busy, important person, I noticed that I have what might be eczema on my legs. This sucks. In addition to being a busy, important person, I am also a very stingy person. So I decided that it would be a FANTASTIC idea to make my own moisturiser for my self diagnosed condition. I also really just need a moisturiser because I haven't bought any in a long time.

So I looked at a few websites, these two in particular: How To Make Your Own Body Lotion and Make Your Own Moisturizer. Then I decided I was definitely ready to try this myself. I went out and bought the ingredients:

I read that grapeseed oil is good for all skin types and is easily absorbed into the skin, which would be great as for a while I was using pure jojoba oil as a moisturiser and was greasy as fuck. Grapeseed oil was also the cheapest option at $8 for a big bottle. Then I looked up essential oils for eczema and chose a couple of the cheapest: sandalwood ($12) and rosemary ($6). I realise for all this money I could have gone out and bought a really good moisturiser, but this will last longer okay? Theeen when I got home I realised I didn't buy distilled water. Bah. So I just boiled purified water, WHICH I KNOW isn't the same, but whatever. It's an experiment. If this is a total disaster, I can use the oil for cooking and the essential oils for baths. So, I mixed a cup of oil with some (I don't know how much I should have used, I put quite a bit in) not distilled water, and 7 drops each of sandalwood and rosemary. Of course oil and water don't mix so I don't really see the point, maybe next time I won't bother. But anyhow, this is the final product, in a very unsuitable container:

I put it on straight away, and my skin feels amazing. A little greasy. And I PROBABLY smell like a hippy. I might have put too much on to go out in public. But yay! It wasn't a complete trainwreck. And next time I'll make some adjustments :) There you go, kiddies. Moisturise away.

P.S. I hate Blogger. Maybe this is why I never post, ever think about that, Blogger?

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Kris Carr

Wooah it has been a long time since posting! I had even forgotten my blogger password.

For a while now I have been fascinated by Kris Carr. It was many months ago that I stumbled across her Crazy Sexy Cancer books on amazon and yet just added them to my wishlist not actually purchasing them. Finally this year I got around to getting Crazy Sexy Diet. Now, I'll be honest once again and say that I still haven't read the entire book. It's not just a recipe or diet book, but a book that is packed full of information and lifestyle changes that Kris herself uses to keep herself healthy, and as someone diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2003 (that's 8 years ago!) that's some super life-saving changes!

I find Kris inspirational and amazing through her diagnosis she took her health into her own hands and triumphed. But she hasn't stopped there, everything that she has learnt she has shared with us all and we can find it on her website: Along with many guest bloggers the site is not solely about surviving cancer or eating well, she wants us all to be wellness warriors taking our lives into our own hands and triumphing at all we do. Please check out the website and especially watch her vlogs or try joining the forum where the first rule of the 'town' is:

"1. Practice KINDNESS; speak with care, compassion, and consideration. Negativity will not be tolerated."

 Sounds good to me!